16th May 2021

We on the go fairly early and left camp approximately 9o'clock, it was all checking gear and making rigs the everyone quite excited the night before but unfortunately when we got to launch once again it was quite windy.
We still launched and decided to stay in close in the Lee of the cliffs and wait till hopefully the wind drops, it did approximately 11o'clock  enough for us to head out to deeper waters where Merv wanted to try.
As the day progressed the wind dropped more to make the most perfect day, which was topped off by some of the best fishing we have ever had in this region.
We all caught good fish Liza caught a good Pink snapper as well as some blacks, Jackie caught some nice black snapper one which may be a prize winner, Merv caught great black snapper and a Mackie(which went back),  both Merv and I caught double head snapper which took some pulling and wore me out.
The last fish of the day I caught was another pink snapper when weighed in was bigger than yesterday's at 6.9kgs
After weigh in we had a lot of cleaning and cryovacing to do, always a lot of work after a fun day.
While the girls packed the fish Merv cooked fish and chips for dinner, we were all quite exhausted so a few fishing stories and bed.
