18th May 2021

Woke to rather nice morning so off to try our hand at getting a big trophy size black snapper, after launching we headed to Eagle Bluff and fished around there picked up mostly butteries which are  good bait, Liza and Jackie picked up some nice bauchin grouper and pink snapper but all undersized so we headed out wide approx 10km. As soon as we arrived we started picking up good black snapper I caught a mackerel which we used for bait. 
There was a bit of wind and a bit sloppy but not too bad, we were really enjoying ourselves when we saw a storm brewing on the horizon, we hoped it would go down the coast and pass us, unfortunately we started hearing thunder then seeing good lighting, I don't like being out in the open during a thunderstorm so I kept a close eye on it.
We started getting a few sprinkles of rain and it wasn't long before the wind had changed and was quite strong and cold.
We headed in and was going to wait it out in the little bay where we put in but by the time we got in it was really blowing making sizable waves to retrieve the boats on the beach.
When we landed I was having trouble holding the boat in the waves luckily there was a very nice man who was camping on the bank saw us and ran down to help, Merv and him moved it away from rocks and he held our boat while I caught Lisa's as she came in. 
Liza jumped out ran to get her car and with myself Jackie and Merv we managed to get there's on the trailer while Liza winched. Merv then got the truck and with the help of the other guy we managed to get it out ok without anyone getting hurt.
Before we left we gave the man the biggest snapper we had caught and many thanks.
When we got back to town Liza, Jackie and myself went for a walk to pick up the thinks she had won in the silent auction, we took Shawn the Sheep with us and we went into the local pub that has a shark cage so Shawn just had to go into it.
That night we went to the hotel again for dinner, Liza had won a voucher in a silent auction.
