30th May 2021
Waking up to a beautiful sunny morning a great surprise after yesterday's rain and thunderstorms.
Normal coffee then the morning walk to see what's what and stretch the legs.
We walked over the dunes but turned and went up the beach to our right, the tide was in at the point so couldn't walk around the rocks, we walked up over the dune which gave us a great view of the reef with the waves crashing over it, the swell was two and a half metres upwards today which makes a great show on the reef with the sun catching it.
Breakfast then check out how all the other campers are, there are quitr a few leaving as they said it will be at least another three or four days before there is a chance of launching a boat.
Some said they know the mosquitoes are going to get bad because of the trapped water, what amazed us is that these people having been coming here for years, some forty years, and they still camp in the same place they must be just too lazy to walk a little further to the beach.
After lunch I used some of the rainwater to wash my hair, the best thing ever, watched some guys loading there boat on their vehicle to leave, it was a very clever elaborate set up there is even one guy with truck that has a crane he lifts the boat off, there is also a small Suzuki on the truck as well. He tows a big caravan with his rig.
In the afternoon we went for a long walk on the back beach I found a good lure and float.
After we walked approximately an hour we sat down on the sand bank to have a drink, listening to the waves wash in and out while just watching the sea is the most relaxing thing possible. While we sat there watching we saw a turtle, a flying fish and some larger fish chasing smaller fish across the surface of the water.
Glad it has fined up again for you. Those new hips are getting a good workout ! Keep having fun. June