16th June 2021 Point Samson

This is moving day, we have to move to another site in the park I woke around 7o'clock but roused Merv out of bed at 8.15.
I was getting breakfast ready when Merv returned from the bathroom, he had walked past the site we were to move into he said it was vacant so we quickly packed up for the move. 
Somethings like the tables were just put in the boat, we weren't pedantic how we packed for a short move, meanwhile it is blowing like buggery and raining  to top it off. We will be moving again in 4 days
We were moved and set up again in under an hour then it was breakfast time.
Merv made a nice fruit loaf then we went for a walk on the beach and down the wharf, I know this type of weather is not good for fishing and it is dam cold but the ocean always looks magnificent when wild and angry.
On the way to the wharf we saw the sea eagle again in the same place eating another fish, on this occasion we could see it was a dart. 
It is a very cold night so I cooked mashed spuds and peas to have with the rissoles and gravy in the meantime Merv took half the fruit loaf to John and Josie.
