22nd June 2021Point Samson
When we woke today it was a lovely clear sunny day quite a bit of wind but at least not raining, we had thought about taking the boat out but none of us seem to have the energy the rainy day seemed to sap our energy.
When we finished breakfast we went for a walk to the wharf the tide was quite low, on the opposite side of the rockwall of the marina near the mangroves there was a lot of fish and two turtles.
The plan for the evening was to have fish and chips with salad in the camp kitchen in the company of Josie and John so Merv made some date scones for afternoon tea.
The fish and chips was a great success followed by some very rowdy games of UNO.
Later in the evening Merv and I took our throw nets to the wharf to try to catch some bait but unfortunately there wasn't much about, I caught one small fish I kept and a very pretty butterfly fish which went back very quickly, that was the first time I had caught anything with the throw net.
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