25th July 2021 Millsteam National Park

We woke to another glorious morning sun shining with a gentle breeze, this morning after breakfast John and Josie are going to drive us to some of the places in the Park.
After the work was done our first stop was Deep Reach, it is part of the Fortesue River with picnic tables and places to enter the river for a swim, it used to be a camp area but unfortunately the general public tends to trash things too much, now it is only day use.
We then headed out to where the river crossed the road, the  road was passable with only approximately 30cm of water on the road, at this point it is clear to see how high the river flows as the water corporation has water pipes going to Karratha and they are approximately 13 meters off the ground, Merv and John went for a walk along the pipe it had a board walk and safety rail, Merv said it was possible to see a large body of water on either side of the road, people take their kayaks to launch there and explore the river.
There is a road we wanted to go down but has been washed out with the cyclone and is closed, the road is snappy gum drive, it used to go to a camp site right near the river but after years it was closed for fear of a limb falling from the snappy gums.
Next was a place we were definitely privileged to see, it is a site that has cultural significance to the indigenous, it used to be open to the public, since things have been handed back and the public doesn't seem to know how to look after anything the only ones allowed in are rangers and caretakers removing weeds from the most amazing pool I have ever swam in.
It is 28 degrees with so many fish and Dragonflies, crystal clear and deep.
There are kayaks there, so we went for a paddle, also noodles to float around with, which we did and collected and removed some weeds.
We had a swim before a tasty lunch of date scones, thanks to Merv, and coffee, then another swim and float about till the skin went wrinkly before getting out sitting in the sun to dry.
That evening we had fish and chips in the BBQ area finishing with a fun game of UNO 
