5th July 2021 Forty Mile Beach
We have woken to a beautiful sunny morning very little wind, we had breakfast grabbed some food and drink for the day and headed off.
There was a bit of breeze on the water but the forecast was for it to drop, it did turn out magical.
We went over to the nearest Island 8kms away, there is a nice hole at the front of it we wanted to try but unfortunately three guys decided they wanted to go spear fishing there, no dive flag and they were swimming everywhere even right over near our boat, it was a little worrying so we left.
There was another spot in about 8 metres Merv had noticed so we went to that, we started catching heaps of undersized black snapper, huge grinners and butteries so with the butteries and grinners we had plenty of bait.
There was dozens of large school mackerel swimming about and chasing the fish we were pulling in so Merv put on a lure and had a lot of fun casting for them, they were jumping and diving all directions, we kept two for bait.
We caught two large remora and Merv said "where are your buddies", as they always hang with sharks, it wasn't long before we were visited by sharks one very large one average.
While we are out here we see very large pretty sea snakes, turtles and dolphins.
We caught five big flathead to take home, when we got back in I got to reverse the trailer in again and ride back on the tray of the truck, there was a least two dozen boats go out today.
After cleaning the fish and boat we had a lovely dinner of fresh flathead.
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