24th October - 30th October Fitzgerald National Park

We arrived at Fitzgerald National Park to a beautiful sunny day, we were both gob smacked by the natural beauty, on the way in to the camp site we were astounded by the volume of wildflowers, we have since found out there are 1800 different plants there with 62 specific just to that area. It was sad to see they have a severe case of die back in the banksias, the royal banksias has to be seen to be believed, I took a couple of pics but only small ones they grow into sizable bushes.
We were lucky enough to get a good size camp area without too many trees so we could get sun for the solar.
After setting up we went for a walk down to the beach, omg the sand is so white, it is like walking on talcom powder and so squeaky so beautiful to walk on, the water was crystal clear and the most amazing turquoise because of the white sand.
We went for a very long walk up the beach didn't find anything except a huge pile of rope in the edge of the water, which we dragged way up the dune and a huge pile of plastic strapping obviously from a fishing boat, it was tangled into a massive ball and luckily already up in the dune out of harm's way. There appeared to be a lot of porcupine fish washup with the small amounts of weed, apart from that it was very clean
