19th - 20th January 2022 Trial Harbour
After lèaving Montezuma Falls we made or way through Zeehan out to Trial Harbour, the road wasn't too bad apart from the narrow 1km stretch going down into the harbour.
We found a reasonable place to set up camp, there are lots of march flies but mostly buzzing and not biting.
The walk across to the beach had us wondering how boats ever went in and out of there, it was just huge waves and white water right across, it was amazing to find out that large ships with passengers used to come to the harbour and the town was quite a large town tiill it was burnt out by bushfire, 30 years ago people started building houses back there but there isn't the shops, post office or police station as used to be.
We were in a lovely sheltered area behind the bushes so enjoyed a good night.
Next morning we all went for a long walk, we walked quite a few kms then down onto the beach that went for miles, we walked a bit but the beach was so clean without shells so we returned to the townsite, nice granny seat near the creek, where there was info, a large whale bone, fish in the creek and a good flushing toilet, it is surprising they have a sewage treatment plant in town.
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